Well, I now have a mix of one of the songs i've recorded this year.
With any luck it'll eventually be a 10" pressed over at United in Nashville TN. ( if i can squirrel away the required $$ )
This isn't exactly representative of what i'm writing, rather it's the one we spent a WHOLE day on, so we thought we'd better mix it right.
My good friend and former bandmate Ross Mclennan came around in the afternoon and I let him rip with the old upright piano and the Hammond. Ross has a way with timing and with little harmonic tangents - he's responsible for much of the instrumental sweetness of this track.
Nildo from local gentlemen-of-country-rock, The Crackwhores did a delightful 2 take run on the pedal steel and this mix really throws his work up-front.
Recording engineer Idge played a lot of percussion and spent many hours deciphering what was coming out of the cruddy ol' TR606. Truly a man with a deep well of patience.
The video was a quick lesson in using iMovie with a lot of raw public-domain footage from - mostly from an old 1950s Chevrolet factory tour/promo film.
Since this is a guitar website I'd better mention some guitars ... so here's what i can remember of that day - gear wise ...
Highly modified ( 'tweakable' ) Roland 606 drum machine
1964 Kay 'Speed Demon' hollow-body bass
197? Gibson Grabber bass
Ampeg SVT with Fender Bassman 'canyon' cabinet
Old Hammond spinet
Upright piano
1966 Mustang ( stabs and chugs )
1968 SG Special ( wah solo )
1963 Guild Polara ( lazy trem doodles )
Morley wah, Fulltone OCD, Ibanez TS9
Fender 'silverface' Vibrolux
Fender 'silverface' Vibrosonic Reverb
LEO small valve amp.
Sho Bud pedal steel
various Tambourines and assorted junk percussion
That's enough about me ...
Cheers, AP
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