Harvester #23 : RECYCLER

These floorboards jumped out at me from my local timber recycler's warehouse.
They are hardwood from an old gymnasium floor and still have the basketball lines painted on them.
One look and all i saw was guitars ... for some reason the Les Paul Jr shape jumped into my head. I've had the template hanging on my wall for 10 years or so, a friend at the time had 2 late 50's cherry red double cut juniors hanging on his wall ... sigh
I've resawn the old tongue and groove boards down to about 4 mm, they'll provide a nice ringing top cap to this chambered basswood body blank.
I pent all of one minute arranging the puzzle pieces into a quick semi-random pattern.
I love salvage, I've actually seen furniture and walls made from similar re-purposed gym-floorboards.
Of course they'll need some binding to hide the seams around the front edge.
The back will get a standard gibson rollover routing ... I'm leaving the last piece of the puzzle over the neck tenon area until the neck is actually set, thereby hiding the long tenon under the floorboards.
Thanks for looking,
Cheers, AP
Reader Comments (2)
hi ap. that's a really nice idea. very 76 somehow.
great idea Anthony!
I love building out of "found" wood too! Council cleanups provide a vast source of interesting wood,,, found some one piece 6'0" x 15" cedar planks (old cupboard doors) while in Adelaide recently. Just gotta get 'em back to Sydney somehow!!!
congrats on all your fab builds!
i'm a big fan... grovel grovel... ;-)